Male and Female Brains Biologically Different?

The research has concluded that there is no such thing as a female brain or a male brain. Shocked? Yes, this response is what I expect. The researchers for many years have conducted surmountable numbers of MRI which conclude that when it comes to brains there is no difference between the male minds and female minds. Let us explain his and more to you.

Brain and gender?

Your mind does not know that if the body it has been put in is male or female. The latest studies reveal that there lies no distinction of gender for the brain. This suggests that the male and female brain is equally capable.

The difference of gender does not reach till your brain. Our brains are home to both male and female approaches. It is more of an amalgam of feminine and masculine traits as per the studies.

What do experts say?

An expert in psychology, Daphna Joel at the Tel Aviv University situated in Israel says that when they first studied the brain they concluded that the brains are not of two kinds. They are brains, just brains. No femininity no masculinity. So, finally there is someplace without this sexist division.

He further elaborates that every human has a completely different set of characteristics. These characteristics are divided such that some are more in men and others are found more in females.

This question has led to several debates for many years. Are the brains of human sex-specific as are our chromosomes, body parts, and other things? There are traits which are the same in both men and woman. And such a part of bod is brain which is away from all this discrimination.

Logical reasoning:

In order to look for proves for the statement Joel with his mates studied a long series of MRIs. Approximately 1400 MRI were taken into consideration. The first common thing they pointed out was that the brain of either men or women could be broadly divided into white and grey matter and the connections between them. The grey part of the brain comprises the cells of the brain also called neurons whereas the white substance was the matter which connected these brain cells.
